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The Nantwich Clinic

Website redesign proposal


We are thrilled to present our proposal for the redesign and development of a brand new website for The Nantwich Clinic. As a local healthcare provider dedicated to supporting people with day-to-day pain problems and enhancing their quality of life, we understand the importance of a user-friendly and visually engaging online platform to connect with your clients effectively.

Project Goals

Our primary goal is to deliver a brand new, modern, and bespoke website that aligns seamlessly with The Nantwich Clinic’s identity and values as well as also being super fast, secure, easy to use and high-converting. Below, we outline the key points and features of this proposed project:

Key objectives of the project

  1. To revamp The Nantwich Clinic’s existing website, making it more eye-catching, conversion-oriented, and easier to manage.
  2. To address the issues identified with the current website, including templated pages, confusing navigation, and poor SEO optimisation.
  3. To create a fully bespoke website with tailored functionality, utilising a block library for unique page layouts and streamlined navigation.

Current pain points

During our evaluation of The Nantwich Clinic’s existing website, we identified several key areas that could benefit from improvement to better meet your business objectives and enhance user experience:

Templated pages

We observed a consistent layout across all pages, resulting in a lack of visual diversity and individuality. This templated approach may hinder user engagement and fail to highlight unique aspects of your services.

Recommendation: To address this issue, we propose implementing a library of website blocks. This will allow each page to feature fresh and unique layouts, capturing visitors’ attention and effectively showcasing the diverse range of healthcare services offered by The Nantwich Clinic.

Confusing Navigation

The sheer number of pages on the website contributes to a complex navigation structure, potentially overwhelming visitors and making it difficult for them to find relevant information efficiently.

Recommendation: We recommend streamlining the navigation by reordering the menu to be more customer-focused. This involves prioritising essential pages and grouping related content logically, improving the overall user experience and guiding visitors to the information they seek more effectively.

Poor SEO Optimisation

Our analysis revealed that the website lacks proper optimisation for search engines, including missing titles and meta descriptions on several pages. This oversight may result in reduced visibility and hinder your ability to attract organic traffic.

Recommendation: To improve SEO performance and enhance online visibility, we propose streamlining the optimisation process. This includes optimising titles, meta descriptions, and overall website structure to align with industry best practices and improve search engine ranking.

By addressing these issues and implementing our recommended solutions, we aim to revitalise The Nantwich Clinic’s online presence, increase user engagement, and ultimately drive business growth through the new website design and development project.


Bespoke Design

We will craft a visually appealing website that reflects The Nantwich Clinic’s brand identity and engages visitors effectively.

Improved Navigation

We will streamline the website’s navigation, prioritising customer-focused content and ensuring a seamless browsing experience.

Enhanced SEO Optimisation

We will optimise the website’s titles, meta descriptions, and overall structure to improve its visibility on search engines and attract more organic traffic.

User Testing and Research

Leveraging our experience with complex website navigations, we will conduct user testing and research to identify key areas of interest and prioritise content accordingly.

Why Choose SmartaStudio

  1. Enhanced User Experience: The new website will provide visitors with an intuitive and engaging experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and conversions.
  2. Cost Savings: The block library feature will enable The Nantwich Clinic to make updates and create new content without incurring additional development costs, saving both time and money in the long run.
  3. Future-Proofing: The scalable nature of the WordPress platform ensures that the website can easily adapt to future requirements and technological advancements, ensuring longevity and relevance.

FREE SEO for 3 months!

Additionally, we are offering a 3-month SEO plan at no extra cost to optimise your website for Google Search and improve your online visibility.

This would usually cost £400+VAT per month

Payment Options

  1. 50% deposit, 25% payment upon completion of website design, and 25% upon website launch.
  2. Payment plan: We can split the total cost over a 3-9 month period to assist with cash flow management.


We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with The Nantwich Clinic on this project and help enhance your online presence. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to discuss the proposal further.

Thank you for considering SmartaStudio for your website redesign and development needs.

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