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Crystal Nutri

New website design


I am thrilled to present this proposal on behalf of SmartaStudio for the redesign of Crystal Nutri’s E-Commerce website. We appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with you and help Crystal Nutri excel in the online marketplace.

SmartaStudio has a strong track record in designing and developing E-Commerce websites, and we are excited to offer our expertise to Crystal Nutri. Our goal is to create a bespoke, secure, and adaptable online shopping platform that reflects your brand identity and facilitates growth.

Project Overview

Our proposed E-Commerce website redesign project aims to provide an enhanced user experience, robust security, and the scalability needed to accommodate your business’s growth. The key objectives of this project include:

Design a Bespoke Website

We will create a unique and visually appealing design that aligns with Crystal Nutri’s brand image and showcases your products effectively.

Enhance Security

Security is paramount for E-Commerce. We will implement industry-leading security measures to protect your website and customer data.

Adaptability for Growth

We will build a scalable website architecture that can evolve with your business, accommodating future expansions, features, and functionality.

Easy to use E-Commerce system

We will ensure the website has a fully optimised E-Commerce interface to ensure the consumer journey is streamlined.

Landing pages

We will create templates for 4 landing pages for you to use on the website. You will then have the ability to create your own landing pages using these blocks/templates for other purposes.

Project Timeline

The proposed project is expected to take 10-12 weeks to complete, depending on the complexity of the project. This timeline includes the following milestones:

Week 1-2

Project Initiation and Requirement Gathering

Week 3-4

Design and User Experience (UX) Planning

Week 5-6

Development and Integration

Week 7-8

Testing and Quality Assurance

Week 9-10

Content Migration and Product Integration

Week 11-12

Training and Launch

Proposed Cost

This includes all design, development, security, and optimisation efforts. We believe this investment will yield a high-performing online store that will drive revenue and customer engagement.

Next Steps

Upon approval of this proposal, we will initiate a kickoff meeting to dive into the project’s details and formally commence work. We will also provide a detailed project plan, regular progress updates, and set up necessary communication channels to ensure effective communication and transparency throughout the project.

We are excited about the prospect of working with Crystal Nutri and are confident that the redesigned E-Commerce website will elevate your online presence and facilitate business growth. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at 07814 754040 or for any further clarification or to initiate the project.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the success of Crystal Nutri’s online venture.

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